A Project Near to My Heart

Immanuel Integrated Christian School for the Deaf
For my American friends, the word "integrated" in the case of the name change of the school means that the school now enrolls Deaf AND Hearing Students.
The year 2005 was the year a most amazing adventure began for me as traveling through western Kenya I came into contact with what is now known as the Immanuel Integrated Christian School for the Deaf. At that time, some 28 students were crammed into quarters that could scarcely qualify as "livable." They were poorly clothed, underfed, and being exploited for donations from the west –– donations that rarely were used to benefit the children for which they were intended. God spoke to my heart –– engage! James says that one of the things that define our "religion" is to visit the orphans and widows. To engage in the lives of those who have no voice and no power; to give a voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless.
On the flight back to the US God gave me a strategy and with His help we began to implement one of the most remarkable stories in community development. Hand in hand with school director Wesley Agengo and assistance from donors from all over the world we turned a plot of land filled with weeds and waters into an island of hope for Deaf children in western Kenya. 2018 was my last visit to the school for health related issues. But the school has continued to blossom and grow into one of the finest schools for special needs in the entire country. Under Diretor Agengo's leadership and at the behest of the Kenyan government, Immanuel Christian School for the Deaf has become Immanuel Integrated Christian School for the Deaf that now boast of an enrollment of more than two hundred students –– Deaf and Hearing.
No longer content to send their primary school grads off to another place for their secondary education, the school is now moving forward with a plan to add a Junior and Secondary School program. Even though I am no longer officially engaged with the school, Wesley has asked me to speak once again on behalf of the school as they seek funding for a brand new classroom building to house this latest expansion.
Little by Little, Step by Step –– always moving forward
Immanuel has to add six new classrooms to their facilities to house the growing student population. Truthfully, this seems like such a small thing after having watched the beautiful campus grow up out a plot that was little more than a swamp. In a period of less than 10 years we watch the campus grow. Two Dorms, All Purpose Building (chapel, dining hall, kitchen), Primary School, Clinic, and a huge Administration and Classroom building (photo above). Not to mention farm land for growing food, housing for the Director and his family, and so much more!

Classroom Feeding Program Library Science Lab

Student Body Learning Life Skills Dormitory
Proposed Junior and Secondary School Classroom Building

Architect Proposal

Total Cost to Complete This Construction is
I have not asked for a single dime since 2018, but I'm asking for help now.
I know that finances are difficult for everyone during these troubled times. Yet, God has proven Himself faithful every time there has been a need. This entire campus is the product of miracle after miracle –– God's people always find a way to dig a little deeper for a worthy cause. It is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT that we keep our students on our own campus rather than sending them out to attend High School elsewhere. My home church has graciously agreed to receive and disperse the funds that are given for this project - every gift is tax deductible and will change the lives of so many children. Two ways you can give:
Send a Check
30 Canal Street
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Designate: Kenya
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Designate: Kenya